Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Shopping today was wonderful...except having to buy the "bigger" size. However, it is what it is. What is it? Why is it my friend goes gluten free and gets skinny and I go gluten free and gain weight. Seems like the forever battle, but I suppose the battle will end one day and for now I will have to fight it. Lets see, next to no carbs, no sugar, mostly berries for fruit, rice and salads. Oh and don't forget potatoes because at restaurants in the south, that may be the only thing Gluten free. Oh and church functions in the south are great too....FRIED CHICKEN, FRIED EVERYTHING, GRAVIES AND EVERY KIND OF DESSERT YOU COULD EVERY DREAM OF. Well, my gluten free life is just getting started, hopefully the weight will not continue to pack on.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today, the girls begin a piano and speech class. I am hopeful for what good this will bring in their lives. I realize that homeschooling is looking a lot different now that they are getting older. I am thankful for all the years that I took a relaxed approach. I am thankful for all the years of snuggling and reading. I am thankful for each daughter and how they have grown and matured and the fruit that I see in their life. As I get older and my childrens lives change, I know that those early years were so pivotal in shaping the relationships I have with each daughter.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My friend said to me today "You always come back to the truth." Wow, I pray that statement will always be true of me. What hope is there but the truth of God's word? The worlds truth is ever changing, the truth of our own minds is shaped by our emotions, but the truth of God's word is eternal. What a solid ground to stand on! Our God is an awesome God.