Friday, April 30, 2010

Wishing I know better. The Lord knows all I need before I even ask. I do not have to wish. I only need to trust that my heavenly father is all He says He is in His word. He never sleeps not slumbers, He is sovereign. He is only good, righteous and just. However, tonight I am wishing that my friend never had to leave, that the Lord would move her and her family here with me. How I miss her....and I am even afraid that now when she goes.....I WILL MISS HER MORE.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Good Gifts

Good gifts: There have been many over the years. My husband is so generous to me. He always looks for ways to bless me. This good gift is, he brought my dear friend and her children to see me. I have missed her terribly since the move. It is so surreal for her to be sitting here with me. However, in the same sense, we haven't missed a beat. What a joy to have a GOOD GIFT.

As the book of James says "Every good and perfect gift comes from above."

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gluten Free living

Recently I found out that I have Celiac disease. What a blow. It is not hard...just inconvenient. I went out to dinner with my husband for his 40th birthday, he ordered our favorite, Lobster Bisque. He added "you want some also, right" RIGHT! I want some. However I couldn't have it. I had a lovely dinner, grilled salmon, rice, broccoli. Why is it that we want so badly what we cannot have. Discontent aka sin. I am learning to be grateful for what I have, not focusing on what I cannot have. Seems like I have been learning this same lesson on gratefulness for awhile. Trials in marriage, trials with health, trials with finances, trials with relationships, trials, trials, trials. Yet I am so blessed and if I will see the goodness of the Lord in my everyday life instead of whining about the trials, I think contentment will come.

Psalm 63:3 Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Today's musings

Today is one of those days, where the reality of today and the reality of future needs are crashing together on the waves, of the shore, of my already overwhelmed life. Today, I need to finish weeding the beds, make food for my family, read with my children and do some household chores. The problem is, that I am overwhelmed and tired. I am contemplating all that homeschooling a high schooler involves. Feeling the need to "get the studies done" and remembering that I homeschool so that I may disciple my children and live life with them while we learn. The mounting realities of their growing up cause my heart to question. How will I direct them, how will I prepare them, what will I do?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Musings on Gardening

Yesterday, we spent our morning planting. I have always thought of this in a romantic way, however, yesterday's experience, has taught me new things. The ground is hard, to hoe it up and ready it for planting is hard work. Once done, it is a small area maybe two feet by five feet. Gladiolas are planted there. Weeding the beds that are overgrown is not, by far, romantic. However, now there is lavender, blueberries, raspberries and marigolds planted there. The fruit of this hard work will not be immediate but if the Lord blesses it, it will be a good harvest.