Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Thankful List

Tonight as a family, we all wrote a list of the things we are thankful for. We shared our lists with each other when we were done. It is amazing to me how the Lord put many of the very same things in each of our hearts. And no, it wasn't nice cars or ipods or things money can buy. It was the core of who we are as a family, and as americans but more importantly, who we are as christians. In fact we talked about the truth that without Christ, none of these other things could be so, nor would they mean as much, it is only in Him that we really know how to rejoice and to see that every good and perfect gift comes from above.

I am also amazed at how this years struggle has been one for gratefulness. It is always there but gets pushed to the side when the pangs of loneliness and fear cloud the way. Taking each thought captive is a must. So what to do when we are weak? Isn't that where the body of Christ comes in, to encourage and help a brother who is going through a weak time? This was on my list, this body of believers of which we are a part, of which Christ bought for us. It should not be taken for granted as some do.

So to end this Thanksgiving Day, I am continuing my pursuit of gratefulness and when I am weak, I know He has given me all I need.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


ruminating: to ponder or consider

Today it is hitting me that my oldest daughter is about to take her first flight (both literally and figuratively). She will be traveling to Africa with a team of adults to serve them and an orphanage. She is growing up and moving on. This is what we want for our children. We set out to train them to serve and depend on the Lord alone. Oh, but the letting go is harder than I thought. Sometimes being a big picture person is a real bummer. That makes me laugh, as my friend always told me "everyone doesn't think like you do". I cannot just see that she will leave for two weeks, I see that this is the first flight which will eventually lead to the next and then the final flight from the nest. I suppose it would be hard whatever circumstances but this year is hard because of the loneliness I feel in my new life. It is not necessarily due to the amount of time spent with people. It is more related to the intimacy of relationships. They are not as deep, because the majority of relationships are new. My relationships with my family are changing. My girls are getting older which translates to, more independence. It doesn't help that all this comes during hunting season, a time when I normally feel alone. So what is all this aloneness about? Well scripture says " God's will is for my sanctification." I feel it everyday. I have been trying to be faithful to whatever the Lord has for me each day. There are times when I feel that I am missing so much but then must turn my heart to Him and know that He is performing His perfect will.