Wednesday, February 16, 2011

2011 and Today

I know I haven't posted for a long time. Perhaps the struggles have lessened and daily life has increased. In January, as most of us do, I wrote out some goals. Here is my list below.

Daily Goals for 2011

Scripture reading and praying

serving husband

teaching/disciple girls

resting in the Lords daily plans for me

making a schedule

family read alouds

church attendance

personal growth reading



healthy diet

These things I would like to accomplish this year with the Lord’s help. I would very much enjoy my heart being all there and my body having the energy and gumption to give it all I have got. My time with my girls is shortening. It will be a great opportunity to share these next years with them.

I am so thankful for this list as it has helped me to focus on trusting the Lord for help, guidance and most of all the "resting in the Lords daily plans for me". That has been the hardest this year with the move and the changes. Many questions I have had, but so far 2011 has proven that His plans for my day are just as real and true as His plans for my life. It is so easy to say "God is sovereign and has all my days numbered". Can we trust that this day, no matter how mundane or insignificant or frustrating, was one of those numbered days? It is a challenge and comes only by the renewing of our minds. Well it is only February and the rest of the year is yet to come, good to know it won't take my Father by surprise. By the way, two weeks from now marks the one year anniversary of starting over. It is so good to see God's faithfulness yet again.